Nov 14, 2009

Recipes & Foods

You'll be able to eat things of various consistencies at different points in your recovery process. Below, recipes are organized according to when your mouth can handle them, and grouped by ease of preparation. Obviously anything you made in an earlier stage is fair game for a later stage, but I doubt you'll want to go back.

Stage 1: Wired Shut
Stage 2: Rubber Bands
Stage 3: Freedom, 0-14 Days
Stage 4: Freedom, 14+ Days

Stage 1: Wired Shut 

Thin Mashed Potatoes. So easy. I will assume you have a recipe for mashed potatoes.
  1. Prepare a bunch of normal mashed potatoes in advance, or just get a box of dry potato buds.
  2. Mix in 1/2-1 cup extra chicken broth and stir with a fork if using buds, blend if using real mashed potatoes.
  3. Season to taste. I like a little Paprika or Cayenne pepper.
  4. For added nutritional value, throw in a little meat and blend. Scrambled eggs are good, too.
Cream of Wheat. Just use double the milk or more. I strongly recommend you use milk (or Lactaid), not water, because of the added calories, protein, and calcium that will help your recovery.

Almost Any Soup. Try to avoid soups with seeds in them because the seeds won't blend. Strain them out before you blend or else a chunky soup will be too thick for your strainer to work.

Fruit Smoothie with Yogurt. Try to get in one of these a day because of the great vitamin content and the yogurt. Yogurt will help during the period when you're still on antibiotics from the surgery/break to keep you from getting diarrhea.
  1. 1/2 cup each of 2-3 of the following fresh fruits: banana, blueberry, strawberry, pineapple, mango, melon, you name it;
  2. 1 cup fruit juice (OJ is my favorite)
  3. 1 container of yogurt
  4. Instead of ice, simply freeze your fruit beforehand. This is great because you can stock up on berries when they're on sale and save a bunch of money, and also not have to dilute something for once.
Beef Stew.

Stage 2: Rubber Bands
Stage 3: Freedom, 0-14 Days
Stage 4: Freedom, 14+ Days

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About Me

Boston, Massachusetts, United States
At the time of the accident, Gerrit was in his last year of law school. He is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.