Nov 17, 2009

Anticipation and Improvement

It's Tuesday. Friday I get my wires off and graduate to rubber bands.

If I can open my mouth enough to spoon things into it, I'm thinking of making an omelet and pureeing that. It'll be a good way to deliver some vegetables to my system and see how they interact. Eggs are pretty much always a safe bet for IBD folks.

Another strange but positive thing I've experienced lately is feeling better and better every day. I've never fallen so sick, so fast, and so fundamentally before:
  • I lost a lot of blood,
  • was dehydrated for a while,
  • I am currently anemic, 
  • 30 lbs underweight, and
  • currently consume under 2,000 calories/day (but 100% of nutrients)
And yet, as my red blood cells slowly replenish (half of your blood volume regenerates in 4 days, the RBCs take 4-6 weeks), my iron gradually builds up again, and I start moving around more, I feel substantially better every day. I haven't been light-headed yet today.

Just think about waking up in the morning and thinking, I haven't felt this good in two months. That's every day for me, lately.

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About Me

Boston, Massachusetts, United States
At the time of the accident, Gerrit was in his last year of law school. He is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.